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Insights + Announcements

Arizona Foundation Terminating Provider Agreements

We know there is a lot to navigate in the healthcare industry, which is why we are bringing you news as we receive it. The Arizona Foundation is the latest payer to announce they are dissolving their networks and terminating all provider agreements in Arizona, effective December 31, 2022.

Takeaways and action items recommended by TTG Healthcare Advisors:

  1. Their staff will still be available for provider and patient support until March 31, 2023

  2. The time from December 2022 – March 2023 will be used for the claim processing

  3. We recommend keeping open communication with your Arizona Foundation patients to obtain their new insurance information for continued care

  4. We highly recommend the billing department prioritize working on any accounts receivable associated with Arizona Foundation

If you have further questions, please reach out to your healthcare advisor or contact us directly at 877-884-3350. We look forward to helping you continue to navigate the business side of healthcare.


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